Esok dah mula berpuasa. Alhamdulillah.. Selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa pada semua yang membaca coretan ini..
Kenapa tajuk saya ni? Tentang microcephaly?
Pada yang tak tahu apa itu microcephaly, meh saya jelaskan. Tapi takdelah keluar perkataan sains bagai.. Apa yang saya faham, kepala bersaiz kecil. Atau lebih tepat lagi saiznya tak mengikut umur yang sepatutnya. Itu yang saya faham dan lihat pada Nabila sekarang..
Akibat dari kekurangan oksigen ketika proses kelahiran, saiz kepala Nabila mengecut dan tak membesar pada hari ke 7 kelahirannya. Ada nurse di NICU bertanya kepada saya ketika sedang mengukur saiz kepala Nabila. Katanya pelik kepala Nabila tak membesar. Saya pulak, takdelah nak gi tanya itu ini. Hanya mendiamkan diri, Yelah, masa tu memang saya tak tau apa-apa. Tambahan pulak masa tu tak pakai handphone canggih-manggih untuk google apa yang terjadi pada Nabila waktu tu.
Bila saya tengok rekod dan surat discharge Nabila, ditulis
"HIE STAGE 3 WITH MICROCEPHALY" Serius, saya pelik kut. Start masuk keje, puas saya google tentang penyakit Nabila. Dan waktu itu memang takde blog cam saya tulis ni cerita pasal anak CEREBRAL PALSY. Kalau ada pun tak banyak. Tapi tu pun tak cerita kondisi anak secara terang-terangan.
Memang kalau nak diikutkan saiz kepala Nabila sekarang ni seperti bayi berumur 4-5 bulan. Or maybe lagi kecik lagi. Badannya yang panjang kini memang menampakkan lagi masalah dirinya. Jika dulu masa bayi, memang tak nampak sangat. Dah besar ni, baru nampak jelas sifat-sifat sebagai anak CEREBRAL PALSY.
Kalau di pegang kepalanya, saya memang suka cubit kulit belakang kepalanya. Serius, terasa macam cubit kulit pada tangan. Lembut dan lembik sedikit. Cuba kalian cubit tangan kalian. Tarik kulit tangan tu. Boleh tarik kan? Macam tulah saya rasa kulit kepala Nabila..
Sedih, memang sedih. Setiap kali melihat dan memegang kepalanya, saya sebak. Air mata bergenang. Kerana itulah anggota tubuh yang paling penting saya rasa. Dan di situ juga saraf matanya berada. Memang tiada pertumbuhan positif untuk bahagian tersebut.
Bila melihatkan keadaannya, saya bersyukur kerana Allah masih memberikan sesuatu yang baik untuk selindungkan kepalanya nan kecik. RAMBUT YANG SANGAT LEBAT. Ya, itulah yang buat saya bersyukur sangat. Bila rambut tebal, memang tak nampak sangat kepalanya yang kecik. Cuma bila saya terpaksa mengambil keputusan untuk memotong rambutnya, saya sedih dan kasihan pada Nabila. Tapi apa boleh buat. Takkan tak potong pulak. Tak kemas!!
Nampak tak kepala dia kecik...? saya jumpa artikel tentang anak microcephaly. Diambil dari
website ini
Microcephaly is a neurological condition that occurs because a child’s developing brain doesn’t grow properly. This causes the disease’s most obvious physical symptom: a head size that is much smaller than normal.
Because the brain does not grow at a normal pace, the skull doesn’t, either. Many (but not all) children with microcephaly also experience cognitive delays and neurological problems as a result.
- Microcephaly is often (but not always) congenital, meaning it is already present at birth.
- Other times, a child is born with a normal brain and skull, but then his brain fails to develop properly during his infancy.
- A traumatic brain injury or infection can also lead to microcephaly.
- Microcephaly is relatively rare, affecting about 25,000 children in the U.S. each year.
Some children with microcephaly have normal intelligence and experience no particular difficulty with schoolwork, physical activity, relationships or any other aspect of their lives. However, many children with the disease – especially those with more severe cases – face:
- mild to significant learning disabilities
- impaired motor functions
- difficulty with movement and balance
- speech delays
They can also have other medical problems, like:
Although it’s not possible to restore a child’s brain and skull to normal size and appearance, treatment for microcephaly can make a significant difference in helping him with any medical, neurological and emotional symptoms he might be facing.
What causes microcephaly?
There are a number of possible causes:
- Most of the time, it happens because of an inherited defect in a gene that interferes with the brain’s maturing and growing.
- There is evidence that, in some cases, microcephaly is caused by something that affects the mother during pregnancy. These factors can include:
- substance abuse
- inadequate nutrition
- untreated phenylketonuria (PKU)
- exposure to certain viruses – especially chickenpox, rubella (German measles) or cytomegalovirus
- exposure to toxic chemicals
- A baby can also be born healthy, but then acquire microcephaly because of:
- a brain injury
- lack of oxygen to the brain
- an infection in the brain
- Finally, microcephaly can be related to another disorder, such as:
- Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders
- certain neurometabolic disorder
Signs and symptoms
What are the symptoms of microcephaly?
The main symptom of microcephaly is a head size that is much smaller than normal for the child’s age and gender.
Other symptoms can vary widely from child to child. They might include:
- failure to thrive
- poor appetite/feeding
- unusually high-pitched crying
- spasticity (involuntary muscle contractions)
Not every child with microcephaly will display noticeable symptoms beyond a small head size. You should always seek a diagnosis from a qualified medical professional.
Nabila kena sebab lack of oxygen.. Tu pasal la sel kat kepala dah mati kebanyakannya. Saiz kepala pun tak membesar...
Apapun, biar macamana pun kakak, ibu akan cuba usahakan juga untuk kakak.. kecik pun keciklah..janji kakak sihat... :)