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Kronologi Kisah Yasmin Nabilah..

Assalamualaikum.. Lama betul nak menaip satu-satu entry.. Maaf la yek.. memang tak berkesempatan. Sekarang memang tengah busy nak final...

08 December 2011

Sensory Intergration Activities...

Dalam tak sedar, rupanya ada beberapa perkara yang saya lakukan dulu tentang sensory Nabila sewaktunya kecil. Hurm...Kalau nak diikutkan rasanya Nabila boleh jadi 'sayur' jika saya hanya membiarkan dirinya tanpa diberi sebarang stimulasi.

Saya bukanlah seorang yang rajin. Dan apa yang saya buat dahulu mengikut hati saya juga. Andai saya rajin, bermacam benda saya lakukan bersama Nabila. Andai malas..hehe..faham sajalah kan.. huhu...

Bila saya baca balik info yang Mazni supermum Sofea tulis di dalam FB, barulah saya tersedar tentang perkara ini. Sesetengah perkara yang saya lakukan dalam tak sedar rupanya ia memberi stimulasi kepada Nabila. Hurm..Yelah, kalau nak diikutkan ilmu yang ada pada saya tak sebanyak mana. Pada hemat saya, apa jua yang saya lakukan demi anak brain-injured ini semuanya berdasarkan kasih sayang saya pada Nabila. Tak sanggup rasanya membiarkan dirinya hanya terlentang terbaring tanpa sebarang pergerakan.

Saya dapat info ini melalui supermum's group. Di tulis oleh Mazni.. Dan mahu share apa yang saya baca di sini..


Children need and love play doh and messy play, unless they have tactile defensiveness that is. There are so many versions of playdoh, from pre-package to homemade, scented to unscented, textured to non-textured, cooked to uncooked.Children need to touch a variety of textures and play with them to develop normal tactile processing.  If your child will not play with messy items, it is even more important that you continue to find fun and creative ways to introduce these to them. 


Children and adults with sensory processing difficulties often have difficulty settling down for sleep and regulating sleep / wake cycles.Products and activities to try include...

-nature sound machines

-white noise machines

-aromatherapy machines

-bubble tubes, rope lights, lava lamps etc.

-relaxation cd's

-weighted blankets

-heavy work activities prior to bed

-vibrating mattresses and vibrating pillows

-unique children's sleeping bags


Playing in the sand or water provides essential yet fun ways to experience necessary tactile input. Use your creativity, get plenty oftowels, and have fun filling these tables with sand, rice, shaving cream, water, or any textured substance you can think of. Of course,put little toys in as well to encourage exploration.


Children NEED to move! For some it is difficult due to fears, for others they just can't seem to get enough. Vestibular movement (and proprioceptive input) can rev you up or calm you down. Either way, this input is necessary and will be a critical component to therapy.Here are some suggestions for movement experiences... 

-jumpolenes, indoor trampolines, water trampolines (for pool or lake), or backyard bouncers, etc.

-swings and swing sets

-rocking toys ride on toys

-scooter boards

- music in motion roller coaster

-glider rockers

-seesaws and teeter totters

-therapy balls (bouncing or lying on them with someone helping you)


Aromatherapy is a wonderfully therapeutic way to address children with sensory processing disorders (or even without) who seek outcertain smells or are hypersensitive to smells.Through aromatherapy products, including aromatherapy machines, oils, candles, diffusers etc., you can help your child tolerate ordrown out smells, or use them to relax and calm.They are a relaxing OR stimulating tool, depending how, where, and when they are used and which smells you choose (for example;while cinnamon might be stimulating, lavender may be soothing).

Hint: For children who are highly sensitive to smells have them carry a bottle of aromatherapy oil in their pocket to smell when intolerance hits (peppermint often works well). 


Vibration is an essential tool when doing sensory integration activities and therapy. You will rarely find an Occupational Therapist working with children who have sensory processing disorders without vibration products and toys. They can be used in many ways to calm or stimulate. Vibration is a critical sensation which, for some, may take months or years to tolerate.Here are some suggestions / products  / ideas...

- vibrating pillows and vibrating mattresses for calming.

-handheld fun animal massages to use on whole body(except stomach and inner thigh!)

-oral massages and Z-vibes

-massage mats

-vibrating baby seats

-massaging chairs and recliners

-vibrating toothbrushes


Both of these have many uses as part of sensory integration activities. Again creativity is key!

The following are just some of the ways to use them...

Use the tunnels as an active gross motor and bilateral motor coordination activity just by having the child crawl through them.create a tactile experience by placing different textured objects or carpet squares inside the tunnel. Shake the tunnel up (as in an earthquake) while the children are in it for increased proprioceptive input and vestibular reactions.Use play tents as a safe haven for children who are overwhelmed by sensory stimuli or as a sensory controlled environment for napping, resting or reading. (You can place soft pillows, blankets, headphones with relaxing music, relax/stress balls, lava lamps,rope lights etc. inside for a relaxing environment) 


These activities are almost endless in choices. Preconception refers to input to the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue. It refers to motor control and planning, body awareness, grading of movement (knowing how "hard" or "soft" to perform a task), and postural stability.If the proprioceptive sense is not working well, it will be difficult to move in smooth, coordinated, and properly graded movements.These children will have difficulty with both gross and fine motor tasks such as riding a bike, writing, walking, crawling, or playing sports. Some children also require additional proprioceptive input just to keep their bodies calm, organized, and arousal levels regulated.The proprioceptive sense is a HUGE area to evaluate and treat in children with sensory processing difficulties. It is an extremely common area for children to show signs of dysfunction in, and is often one of the earliest warning signs of a problem. Don't ignore it please! 


Couldn't we all use a little more help and time to relax and unwind every day??? Once you learn about these rooms and the Awesome products you could surround yourself with, you might just be longing for one too! What can you put in a sensory room? It definitely will depend for what and whom you are using it. It will also depend how much money and space you have available.

Here are a few ideas...

A.For Pure Relaxation:

- nature sound machines

-aromatherapy machines and

-aromatherapy diffusers

-soft pillows and blankets

-rope lights

-bubble tubes

-fountains of all sorts (from small to entire wall fountains!)

-bean bag chairs

-massage products, chairs and mats

-relaxing music and relaxation cd's

-guided imagery cd's

-light and sound machines

-lava lamps


B.For Sensory Experiences With Individuals Who Fear Or Need More...

-tactile mats

-tactile balls

- hammocks, suspended relax and/or swing chairs, etc.

-vibrating recliners, pillows,chairs, toys and pads

-interactive bubble columns and tubes

- Fiber optics

-Liquid light projector

-bubble machines

-weighted blankets and animals

-tactile toys

-whistles/blow toys and oral motor


-Somatron* mats, ball pools,

-cushions or chairs (vibration and music!)

-suspended equipment, swings ,adders, bouncers, twirlers,Air-walker, zip lines and trolley rider etc.

-rock walls etc



Hurm...Rasanya melalui ini boleh berikan idea pada mereka yang masih tercari-cari perkara yang boleh dilakukan bersama anak istimewa. Semua perkara di sekeliling kita boleh digunakan untuk meningkat sensory anak-anak brain-injured ini. Yang penting adalah keazaman sang ibu dan ayah demi mereka yang tersayang.. :)

Sharing is caring... :)

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